Saturday, 25 February 2017


The dark team beating us down are trying to ware us down to get our agreement. SO get back a perspective on the truth and remember your True self will not support their agenda. Pain, suffering, roadblocks, being ignored..and targeted by the corrupted. Some of us selling out and joining their TEAM. So Prime creator takes note and sends more Starseeds.

Concepts by B Love. Have you ever read a book, or seen a movie where certain people get so beat down, and so despairing, AND so helpless, that they just accept their fate? This is HOW it CAN happen. If enough of the living souls on Earth, just roll over and accept what they get, then the Universe will have NO CHOICE but to give them this very hard lesson for their own good. Still, there is great love for the Earth, AND for those souls who are trapped here! Prime Creator sees everything happening here! Much to the chagrin of the Dark Magicians, Prime Creator keeps “sending” more and more KIND and loving souls into the mix, which has the effect of stifling and slowing down their progress towards a DARK reality.
NOW can you imagine why the CABAL hates light workers and truth tellers so much? We are standing in their way. We are blocking the path to their New World Order Dream! They can’t “manifest” it unless a critical amount of people on the planet on some level agree to it and ASK for it. They would do this by simply giving up, and giving in! So, never mind that the CABAL have lied through their teeth, robbed, pillaged and stolen to get us where we now are. As I’ve already said. The Universe does NOT CARE that they are lying to us, it only cares if we “”agree” to what they want. That’s where the endless mind control, deception, magic, bribes, black mail, murder, and the rest come in. Their idea is to get our agreement through BRUTE FORCE!
So for the masses to be suddenly waking up ― and knowing the truth ― is their worst nightmare!! They need to SILENCE the truth tellers. The truth that they are most terrified of is that We can STOP them by removing our CONSENT. It’s the magical key! We live in a Supernatural reality! They know this! Never mind that they’ve never told us this. YOU know it NOW! Stay on track and never forget to connect with the true self and process that EGO bull, let it go for good. I show you a comprehensive course in mindfulness in 1 hour!

Mindfulness and the Starseed.

Concepts by Bradley Love.
Starseed: their LOVE for humanity is being used against them. We refuse to “sellout” into hurting their fellow man, and follow the NWO agenda. They are horribly maligned by the ignorant masses that they came to wake up, being told daily to: shut up, quit rocking the boat, and stop trying to change things.
We hope people's ignorance will not prevail. Prime Creator’s emissaries – the Star Seeds, the ones he has sent directly into physical incarnation (from outside the quarantine) to save the planet. The idea of freedom as a reality, is now only hanging on by a thread. FEW living beings can say they did nothing to ADD to their own enslavement, and of others by their incorrect choices and THINKING. Satanist/magicians took such a very long time to install these ugly, nasty thoughts into the population, few wish to willingly think differently any longer.
Hundreds of thousands all over the planet are now here. They are all very much Freedom Lovers, riding the keys of the internet like a very faithful steed, pointing out “the Magicians and the Satanists (Globalists) are coming!” Much to their amazement and sadness too few are even listening. No one wants to believe they are living on a prison planet in quarantine. Or that their Earth Reality has been hijacked. Star Seeds work for ALL enslaved! Much to their amazement and sadness too few are even listening.
The systems we should question are part of the false light and in deed the Theocracy. BUT there are those who DO NOTHING to educate themselves as to what is truly happening around them, sadly they are mostly the blind, being led by the blind. There is education and energy work available, but without ego does anyone change their ways for humanity? Start raising your frequency and the truth is the start. Look at my workshops coming. There are a few thousand others who are doing this job. But we need more to stop investing energy in the false light.
The truth is a path that is best started with quietening the false EGO and learning our own truth. I recommend mindfulness. I run a seminar for this step.
MIndfulness seminar link

Missing link to healing addictions?
What actually triggers the thought, the reaction and habit? Find out with my seminar on Complete mindfulness. Unlock the truth about addictions and why they manifest. Free yourself and treat the source of pain and deal with triggers in your recovery.

I discovered the route of trauma and addiction. HOW to clear it properly at all levels in the outer energy works too. What is the source of the negative thoughts, triggers and feeling and the consequences?
Gain a deeper understanding: it's not just conscious but subconscious, but an outer layer of energy. With mindfulness, we are ready look at the stumbling blocks, and how can we respond better to stressful situations.
Also we can get over the pain, not fusing with the toxic emotions. When we get out of denial we can move forward and achieve the peace of mind instead of the trap of the same reactions such as the addiction cycle.

Personal power is lost through the use of drugs and/or alcohol, fear and Soul Loss. Weak emotions such as fear, anger, and other fear based emotions create lower level energetic openings in the energy field which allow the entry of these spirit and dark force attachments. Drugs and alcohol also create openings in the energy field because they weaken the energy field and power. I do recommend a shielding exercise in the seminar along with mindfulness.

Address EGO issues and then unlock the truth. It is mostly unknown and misunderstood due to the lack of truthful information surrounding non-physical energy. Incoming negative beings attached to our toxic emotional states. Spirit attachment and Dark force attachment cause a host of problems mostly related to emotional, mental and energy level issues. Strengthen your mind state and resolve the conflict there.

Freedom from Obsession? Obsession with another is fear of rejection and that fear manifests as your undesired fear! There is nearly always an entity there as well. When you become aware of fears you can stop the trap. If faced with something bad happens that you learn to be prepared. When it does happen do process it and let it go and it will.
Distress prevention and dealing with the triggering feelings, thoughts and beliefs will be vital to strengthening your ability to cope with compulsive habits.

Reduce the depression state

Mindfulness to reduce the stressed out state.Stop depression from the external sourceGo to Complete Mindfulness

Freedom from external systems is a way to restore our self value. Many systems look to be for our greater good, but were not created for that intention. We place too much power in these things to run our world. See how we get depressed and must see our way out and lighten the load.
Have you thought about how many people are unhappy with the things they have to give up of themselves to get? What could you do to change that state, how would you find another way? Why are there so many obstacles, not really of your choosing? This is the source of depression states.
You can start to get answers by looking and observing what you are missing. Don't get too caught up with the way things seem, they can be viewed differently and even transformed to thrive not just survive. Acknowledging the truth about how you really feel helps you accept your situation and face the fears. There is indeed a path to freedom and some much needed answers to lift us.
Believing you are unworthy is a false belief, causing you to find ways to be worthy. And try to give into pressures we don't need to feel real self worth. You are not working, or haven't got a mortgage, haven't got kids, need a better car, need to look better, have more of the external validation?? But it is not satisfying at the real level. Why? You are forgetting your real human self. You will find self love is different. You are already worthy without having to put in all that effort. Self esteem is esteem, is just about the external, self love is the real deal, the self worth.
We experience programs making us fell unworthy, powerless or as victims. We expect success in external areas to make us feel better. Easy to get disappointed when you give a lot of power to the results. Then we become depressed, suffer from anxiety from dwelling on the negative outcomes.
We learn detachment with this seminar. We can look at how to break free of external things by being detached from them emotionally and the key is to start to learn how with mindfulness.

Marvels about mindfulness..

Marvels about mindfulness..
Ego blocks the state of happiness we need.
Face our experiences and transform our state to calm.

We can move beyond the EGO mind thinks and observe the traps that affects us. Then you can achieve a state of calm, less distress and more positive actions. Then life transforms into experiences you always wanted. A much more fulfilling emotional state. The essential happy state.
We are in 2 minds and the negative thoughts, feelings and stories are constantly playing.
Although our true self gets blocked from the chance to speak to us and help. We need to reduce the noise and learn what the message is from our subconscious. We need to keep the ego or false self detached. Your ego self is different from the true self  and when you notice it, It adds a new dimension. You learn to Stop identifying or fusing with it. It becomes more like a cage and more draining. We are not our ego, not our emotions or our thoughts. Be free to create a much more fulfilling emotional state.
Do you recall the sad or depressing stories you may have held onto from bad experiences? Been draining you for too long? How to release them? What are they? They are the way we learn to respond, the way we view it automatically. Turn off the programming holding us back. Learn to get over the pain, diffuse it and get out denial, a trap that keeps us in pain.
You need to observe the negative possibility and face the fear or you will think about how it may happen and it does manifest. Most of the fears that people have are not real, but we give them a lot of our thought energy. When  your ego based : insecurity, self-destructive beliefs, or fear act out you give them a chance to manifest. The aim is to get out of that state into a more relaxed and peaceful one.

Mindfulness : to cope with addiction triggers

Mindfulness : to cope with addiction triggers
I stand by Mindfulness as it is one of the ways to deal with fears leading to obsessive habits. We look at compulsion and mind states of ill well being. It's in the programming going on with the subconscious and indeed the outer influences or negative triggers. Learn the truth about the source of the toxic emotions.  Address ways to stop the thought energy and entity operating in our compulsions, which is loops of harmful behaviour. Why is unblocking the toxic EGO state so important to your coping with stress and those states?
And I included link to Mindfulness seminar.

YES focusing on the idea of being protected from harm, we are focusing on that positive outcome.  We are being aware of selecting a good outcome, and emotionally anchor it and that resonates. But if there is an accident or problem? You were not aware and then you didn't block that from happening. What if there was a negative person or energy presenting a problem for you? You really have to process the toxic emotion. Deal with the external situation by processing it, be wise and obtain peace not distress. Mindfulness can clear up your fears that stop you from moving forward with recovery.
When you ignore a situation or feeling your squashing it,  you hide, you distract yourself or numb yourself from it. Then it actually leads to addiction and non action. When your ego based : insecurity, self-destructive beliefs, or fear act out you give them a chance to manifest. Your mind is constantly preoccupied with all the ways this fear can come true, and it does manifest. What if your mind actually  reinforces them  by a negative attitude that resonates and attracts them? Facing fear and uncomfortable emotions does allow us to process and lessen the pain. Being preoccupied or triggered is not a permanent state luckily, we learn that with simple practice.
When quanta was studied they found:  reality exists only when we observe it and then our brains decode into the five senses. DNA has an affect on the arrangement of quanta that external world consists of. DNA is not set though..but is controlled from its environment. When DNA responds to emotions it changes shape. So we learn to change our mental and emotional state. It then impacts on our experience and manifestations.
Here is the seminar. 

Seminar in Complete Mindfulness.

Mindfulness to reduce the stressed out state.
Seminar in Complete Mindfulness.
Stop depression from the external source
Freedom from external systems is a way to restore our self value. Many systems look to be for our greater good, but were not created for that intention. We place too much power in these things to run our world. See how we get depressed and must see our way out and lighten the load.
Have you thought about how many people are unhappy with the things they have to give up of themselves to get? What could you do to change that state, how would you find another way? Why are there so many obstacles, not really of your choosing? This is the source of depression states.
You can start to get answers by looking and observing what you are missing. Don't get too caught up with the way things seem, they can be viewed differently and even transformed to thrive not just survive. Acknowledging the truth about how you really feel helps you accept your situation and face the fears. There is indeed a path to freedom and some much needed answers to lift us.
Believing you are unworthy is a false belief, causing you to find ways to be worthy. And try to give into pressures we don't need to feel real self worth. You are not working, or haven't got a mortgage, haven't got kids, need a better car, need to look better, have more of the external validation?? But it is not satisfying at the real level. Why? You are forgetting your real human self. You will find self love is different. You are already worthy without having to put in all that effort. Self esteem is esteem, is just about the external, self love is the real deal, the self worth.
We experience programs making us fell unworthy, powerless or as victims. We expect success in external areas to make us feel better. Easy to get disappointed when you give a lot of power to the results. Then we become depressed, suffer from anxiety from dwelling on the negative outcomes.
We learn detachment with this seminar. We can look at how to break free of external things by being detached from them emotionally and the key is to start to learn how with mindfulness.